June 16, 2015


Figura e Skënderbeut në një baladë angleze të shekullit XVII – Me rastin e 554 vjetorit të vdekjes së Gjergj Kastriotit Nga Fotaq Andrea & Dritan Muka

Ikonografi skënderbegiane – Pjesa IV Që figura madhështore e Heroit Kombëtar Shqiptar Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeut është trajtuar dhe glorifikuar historikisht nga emra të shquar të klas . . .

A courageous step towards full sovereignty By Harry Bajraktari

Congratulations are in order as Kosova moves to forms its own army   The parliament of Kosova kicked off today a 10-year transition plan towards the transformation of Kosova Securit . . .

The Alliance for the Protection of Theatre fights to preserve Albania’s cultural heritage

The Albanian National Theatre in Tirana, Albania. Photo courtesy of Aleanca Per Mbrojtjen e Teatrit, photo used with permission. A fight is on to protect the National Thea . . .

Sesilia Plasari Open Letter to Luigi Soreca, The New EU ambassador

H.E. Ambassador Luigi SorecaHead of the European Union Delegation to AlbaniaDear Sir,I believe it is only right that you should know that feelings of dismay still resonate throug . . .

The Balkanista: No to the demolition of the National Theatre – your heritage is not for sale!

I once vowed to keep this blog free from opinions that could be construed as political, but there is one pertinent issue that has really grabbed my attention. Now before you all decry m . . .


Photo: A tribute to Kofi Annan, from his family. In Photo Kofi Annan with his loving family   The state funeral ceremony of former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was held in his homela . . .

Grushti i Shtetit, i drejtuar prej Kryeministrit të vendit, duhet të marrë fund Nga Romeo Gurakuqi

RENDI JURIDIK DHE KONSTITUCIONAL duhet të rivendoset në vendin tonë Në vitin e Skënderbeut, lajmëtari i kësaj shpalljeje të bujshme, të përgatitur për propaganda të mirëfilltë errësonj . . .

Interview with the Hero of Kosova, Ambassador William Walker – Head of the Kosova Verification Mission By Mimoza Dajçi

– New York, 2016   Greetings, Mr. Ambassador! I am glad to have the opportunity to meet and talk with you. January 2016 marked the 17th anniversary of the Reçak massacre, where as Head . . .

Is it crazy to see Albania’s EU relationship as a model for post-Brexit Britain? Written by Epidamn Zeqo

Michael Gove, UK Justice Minister and Brexit campaign leader, proclaimed that after a successful leave vote, the UK could trade with the EU/Single Market like the three impoverished cou . . .

Counterrevolutionary Russia By Roger Cohen

TALLOIRES, France — For much of the 20th century Russia was a revolutionary state whose objective was the global spread of communist ideology. In the 21st century it has become the pree . . .

Self-defeating Daniel Serwer’ Answers Express’questions

Shpend Limoni at Pristina daily Gazeta Express asked some questions this morning about the defeat in the Kosovo parliament of the much-discussed proposal for a special court to prosecut . . .

This elucidation of the past will serve us now and in the future, as well – By Prof. SAMI REPISHTI

  The Honorable Hellmut Hoffmann/ 22 June 2015/ Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany/ German Embassy/ Rruga Skenderbeu, Nr. 8/ 1000 – Tirana, Albania/ Dear Mr. Ambassador:/ My . . .

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