VOAL – Ambasada e Hungarisë në Uashington i ka dërguar drejtuesit të Shtëpisë Shqiptaro-Amerikane të Lirisë, zotëri Muçi Xhepa, ftesë për pjesëmarrje në ceremoninë e përurimit të shtatores kushtuar 60 vjetorit të Revolucionit Hungarez Beteja e Lirisë. Kjo ceremoni do të zhvillohet të dielën para ambasadës hungareze në Uashington.
Këtu poshtë teksti i plotë origjinal i ftesës:
Muci Xhepa
Albanian-American Freedom House
Washington D.C.
Washington, D.C., October 4, 2016
Dear Mr. Xhepa:
I am writing to you to request your kind attendance at the unveiling ceremony of the “Pesti srác” (Lad of Budapest) statue on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight. The ceremony will take place in front of our future Embassy building (1500 Rhode Island Avenue Northwest Washington, DC 20005) on Sunday, October 16th, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The year 2016 marks one of the most important anniversaries in Hungarian and global history of the Cold War. The 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight against the Soviet oppression, was not only a truly momentous effort expressing a nation’s strongest values and desire for freedom and democracy, but it was the first truly powerful fight against the communist regime at the height of the Cold War. It then strongly inspired the nations of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and the Polish people in 1980, to fight against their communist oppressors. Ultimately, the succession of these events, coupled with the United States’ commitment to support freedom and democracy, brought an end to the Soviet oppression. This is why we believe the revolution, although crushed by Soviet tanks, meant a real turn in the history of the Cold War.
It would be our honor if your organization could come and join us in celebrating the 60th anniversary through the unveiling this statue. We shall have H.E. Miklós Seszták, Minister of National Development, H.E. Colleen Bell, Ambassador of the United States of America to Hungary, the Honorable Zsolt Németh, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly, H.E. János Horváth, Ambassador-at-large, former Doyen of the Hungarian National Assembly for the event. Other attendees will include distinguished members of the Diplomatic Corps, members of the Hungarian-American community and organization representatives for the victims of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. We propose the laying of flowers or a wreath of your organization following the speeches.
I very much look forward to your honoring us with your acceptance of our invitation. Please signal your participation through sending an RSVP at: rsvp.ladofbudapest@mfa.gov.hu by October 12, also indicating whether you would be willing to lay a wreath or flowers at the ceremony on behalf of your organization.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Réka Szemerkényi