I dashur mik dhe përkrahës,
Lidhja Qytetare Shqiptaro-Amerikane ka kënaqësinë që të raportojë se Senatori Menendez, Kryetar i Komitetit të Marrëdhënieve me Jashtë të Senatit (së bashku me shtatë kolegë të tij), i ka shkruar një letër Presidentit Joe Biden, duke “bërë thirrje për qartësi dhe transparencë” në lidhje me përcaktimin se cilat vende janë ftuar që të marrin pjesë në “Samitin për Demokraci” më 9 dhe 10 dhjetor.
Vendet nuk janë identifikuar në deklaratën për shtyp (më poshtë) dhe në letrën e bashkangjitur drejtuar Presidentit Biden. Por ne mendojmë se është e rëndësishme që ju të dini se Joe dhe unë e alarmuam Komitetin e Senatorit Menendez javën e kaluar se është shumë shqetësuese që Shqipëria, Mali i Zi dhe Maqedonia e Veriut janë ftuar, ndërsa Kosova jo.
Ne theksuam se Shqipëria, në veçanti, mbetet shumë prapa Kosovës sa i përket demokracisë, dhe veçanërisht pasi që Kosova ka avancuar në mënyrë dramatike nën administrimin e kryeministrit Albin Kurti dhe presidentes Vjosa Osmani.
Në fund, nëse nuk keni mundur ta shikoni intervistën e kryeministrit të Kosovës Albin Kurti në programin “Hardtalk” të BBC World News të Stephen Sackur, ja ku është linku: https://youtu.be/xGNQ9Pc2PrM Kryeministri dha një performancë mjeshtërore.
Çdo të mirë,

Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi Joe DioGuardi
Këshilltare për Çështjet e Ballkanit Presidenti
Dear Friends and Supporters,
The Albanian American Civic League is pleased to report that Senator Menendez, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (along with seven of his colleagues), has written a letter to President Joe Biden, “calling for clarity and transparency” regarding the determination of countries invited to participate in the “Summit for Democracy” on December 9 and 10.
Countries are not identified in the press release and in the letter to President Biden (see below). But we think that it is important for you to know that Joe and I alerted Senator Menendez’s Committee last week that it is very concerning that Albania, Montenegro, and North Macedonia, have been invited, while Kosova has not.
We stressed that Albania, in particular, lags far behind Kosova when it comes to a democracy, and especially since Kosova has advanced dramatically under the administration of Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani.
Finally, if you were unable to watch Kosova Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s interview on Stephen Sackur’s BBC World News program “Hardtalk,” here is the link: https://youtu.be/xGNQ9Pc2PrM The Prime Minister gave a masterful performance.
All the best,

Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi Joe DioGuardi
Balkan Affairs Adviser President

November 9, 2021CONTACT
Juan Pachon
Chairman Menendez, Colleagues Urge Greater Clarity, Transparency Regarding Upcoming Summit for Democracy |
WASHINGTON – Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) today was joined by seven of his Senate colleagues in writing a letter to President Joe Biden in advance of the upcoming December Summit for Democracy calling for clarity and transparency regarding the criteria used to determine which countries were invited to participate in the Summit, what role civil society will play in planning and execution, and what specific commitments the Administration will put forth during the gathering.“Who we invite sends a powerful signal about the values and practices that we believe constitute a democracy,” the senators wrote. “A defining element of any democratic system is the full participation of the people, and civil society around the globe plays an integral role in organizing citizens to participate in their government.”
In addition to posing questions regarding the role that President Biden envisions for the United States Congress given its status as a co-equal government branch within the U.S.’ democracy, the senators also expressed their expectations for Summit participants to examine both the strengths and shortcomings of current democratic systems and how democracies can best shore up their democratic foundations and institutions, particularly in light of democratic backsliding occurring around the globe.
“The upcoming December Summit for Democracy represents a significant opportunity to galvanize our allies to join our efforts to put democracy at the center of international relations. Advancing democratic principles and protecting human rights indeed is in the interest of all of our allies,” the senators added. “It is incumbent on the United States to model this self-reflection and the commitment to realizing democracy’s unique ability to acknowledge its weaknesses and to confront them transparently.”
Joining Chairman Menendez in signing the letter were Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio). |