I bej thirrje bamiresise tuaj , per te ndihmuar financiarisht per venien ne skene te operas « Rozafa» , kompozuar nga vellai im David Tukiçi dhe me libret te Fadil Kraja ( Premiere Boterore).
Premiera eshte parashikuar me daten 4 prill 2025 , ne Akademine e Arteve ne Tirane 19h.
Javen qe kaloi , fondet e parashikuara nga institucionet kulturore shqiptare , per venien ne skene te operas , nuk u dhane per arsye te pashpjegueshme !!
Pa ndihmen tuaj , premiera e operas nuk mund te behet , mbasi duhen paguar muzikantet , ju lutem brenda mundesive te gjithesecilit !
Ju premtoj qe çdo centim i mbledhur do te shkoje drejt muzikanteve dhe artisteve .
Mendoj qe gjithesecili nga ne , ka nevoje per muzike te bukur , ashtu siç pin uje dhe ushqehet !
Genc Tukiçi
( detajet ne link)
Dear friends,
I appeal to your generosity to financially support the staging of the opera *Rozafa*, composed by my brother David Tukiçi, with a libretto by Fadil Kraja (World Premiere).
The premiere is scheduled for April 4, 2025, at 7:00 PM, at the Academy of Arts in Tirana.
Last week, the funds planned by Albanian cultural institutions for the production of the opera were not granted for unexplained reasons…
Without your help, the opera’s premiere cannot take place, as musicians need to be paid. Please contribute as much as you can!
I promise that every cent collected will go directly to the musicians and artists.
I believe that each of us needs beautiful music, just as we need to drink water and eat!
Genc Tukiçi